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Using the Content Library

View and manage all creator-generated content from your campaigns in the Content Library.

Updated over a week ago

To access the content that creators publish for your campaigns, click on Content Library in the sidebar menu.

All creator-generated content that has been added to your bookings will be shown here. You can filter by Channels, Campaign, or Creator.

You can sort results by Newest, Engagement Rate, Reach, Comments, and Likes.

👋 Note: If you notice that content is missing, you should ask the creator(s) to add their content and results to Deliverables. When they do, they’ll appear in your Content Library.

You can view more information about a piece of content by clicking on it.

In the Media Preview tab, you'll be able to see the content preview and results, plus be able to download the media directly to your computer.

Under Usage Rights, you'll see the terms that were agreed upon in the booking brief. It's important to refer to this to know whether you have rights to repurpose the content.

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