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I want to book creators!

You have an idea of how you’d like to collaborate with creators. What's next? Get started by creating a campaign.

Updated over a year ago

Ready to work with creators? When you create a campaign/brief there are 7 key sections to complete. Our campaign brief process is designed to help you clearly communicate what you expect from creators in a collaboration.

Get started by following this process to create a campaign!

👋 Note: As you write your brief, your progress is automatically saved along the way. This happens each time you edit a field or click to the next section.

Create a draft campaign

Start with drafting a campaign, to create a campaign:

  1. Select Campaigns in the sidebar menu.

  2. Click on Create a Campaign in the top right-hand corner of the page.

  3. Select Brand Awareness Campaign or Conversion Campaign.

🚨 Note: To launch a conversion campaign, you first need to setup a tracking domain, and add a tracking script to your website to accurately track your results. To learn how this works, click here.

Step 1: Collaboration Description

Here is where you can introduce your brand and product or service to creators. You’ll be asked to say something about the campaign, set your campaign goals, and set the publishing timeline.

Step 2: Campaign Compensation

There is 2 ways you can pay the creator:

  • Monetary payment only

  • Monetary payment + products

You can choose to pay the creator either one standard payment when the collaboration is completed, or multiple payments throughout the collaboration.

At the bottom of this section, include your URL so the creator can learn more about your brand, and product/services.

Step 3: Campaign Channel

In this section, you will describe the content requirements. You will need to specify:

  • Whether content approval is compulsory

  • The campaign channel

  • The content requirements (i.e. how much content, and what the content should look like)

  • The account tags and hashtags the creator should include (Instagram and TikTok)

    • Important: If you selected Instagram as the channel, the account tag is how the platform will be able to detect when the creator has published sponsored content. To learn more about deliverables, click here.

  • How creators should disclose sponsored content, along with general dos and don’ts.

  • Any additional Attachments to be included

Step 4: Campaign Applications

If you’ve selected Instagram, TikTok or YouTube as your campaign channel, you’ll be asked if you’d like to allow creators to apply to your campaign

  • By selecting Yes, you’ll be prompted to set your profile criteria. This will specify which type of creators will receive your campaign application page, and be invited to apply to your campaign.

  • By selecting "No" , creators will be unable to apply to your campaign. This can't be changed after your campaign is published

A campaign application page is a condensed version of your brief. It provides enough information for creators to decide whether they’re interested in applying to your campaign. It’s automatically generated and sent to creators when you launch a campaign.

Step 5: Important Information

Important Information is where you can include important information about the campaign, such as a competitor clause and content usage rights. ​​You can learn more about the different content usage rights options here.

Step 6: Invite and price creators from Shortlists

If you’ve already created a shortlist, you can invite those creators to your campaign right away. To learn more about shortlists, click here.

To invite and price creators from your shortlists:

  1. Select a shortlist from the dropdown. You can always invite more creators to your campaign after you’ve created it.

  2. Once you’ve selected a shortlist, the creators in the shortlist will be visible below.

  3. If you selected Instagram as your campaign channel, you’ll also find the Instagram Pricing Calculator on the page. Here, you can edit your target CPM range, then click Calculate. This will generate Instagram Calculator Prices to help you decide what fee to offer each creator.

  4. To set a fee for a creator, click Add Creator & Set Offer, then type in the fee you want to pay the creator. Here, you can also customise the brief per individual creator, should you wish. When you're happy with the offer, click Apply.

  5. To remove a creator from being invited to the campaign, simply click Remove located on the top right, next to the creator's name.​

When you’ve set fees for each creator and made all necessary adjustments to the brief, click Review.

Step 7: Review Campaign

Lastly, review the details of your campaign, and make sure your brief is correct.

If you notice a small mistake, such as a typo, hover over the area of the brief, and click to edit.

👋 Note: Some fields are not editable, such as campaign channel and compensation type, since they affect the overall campaign structure. If you need to make bigger changes to the brief, you can return to the main campaign editing view by clicking “Back” on the top left.

After reviewing your campaign, click I Approve This for all the sections and at the bottom Launch Campaign.

All creators you invited to your campaign will receive a booking request, which you can review in the All collaborations dashboard.

If you opted to allow creators to apply to your campaign, applicants will appear in Creator Screening. You can learn more about Creator Screening here.

To learn how to invite creators to your existing campaign, click here.

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